Video generator or video construction kit? Or simply both?
Whether you want to use the Wonderlandmovies video generator or our video building block system, or both, depends on your objectives. Mit dem Video Generator kann jeder Ihrer Mitarbeiter ebenso einfach wie schnell die Bestandsfilme Ihres Unternehmens personalisieren. Mit dem Video-Baukastensystem können Sie Ihre Kommunikation inhaltlich ganz nach Belieben ausweiten. Denn Sie haben Zugriff auf eine Vielzahl von vorgefertigten Videos zu allen kommunikativen Anlässen und Themen. In diese Video-Templates werden dann vollautomatisch genau die Daten eingeladen, die Ihre Botschaft und Ihren Markenlook sicherstellen. So werden sie zu Ihren Videos. Gern zeigen wir Ihnen ganz konkrete Beispiele aus den Branchen, die wir betreuen.
Our video kits
The basic idea of our video construction kits is: maximum individualization with maximum efficiency. With this in mind, we first developed creative implementations for a wide range of topics and occasions and then realized them on film. This has resulted in video templates that our customers can not only use cost-effectively, but also make entirely their own: for example, by adding the logo, coloring the template in the corporate color, displaying their own "mission statement / claim", integrating the sender / recipient as well as photos and location. The latter can even be displayed fully automatically on Google maps in the video, as can the individually offered services, the address and the opening hours, which are automatically read out from the company Google profile and integrated into the film. Corporate videos have never been so easy, cost-effective and individual.
Convincingly solved - some examples of our video construction kits:

Video generator platforms
Through our video generator, the brand speaks from person to person.
The Wonderlandmovies video generator platforms enable your employees and locations to add a very personal touch to your brand communication at the push of a button. By personalizing your existing corporate videos on image, product, recruiting or sales topics with their very own contact details and using the videos for local sales marketing: for example via Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, Instagram, Cinema, Email ....
For this purpose, each existing corporate film is supplemented by a personalized presenter intro and outro with photo, name and address of the local contact person - 100% in your brand look.
Intro und Outro in Ihrem Markenlook:

In this way, the local contact not only becomes a brand ambassador, but also establishes a very personal relationship with each individual customer via the brand.
Well proven and constantly in use. Our video generator platforms for, among others:

Themed Templates - Video Kit with Themes
Wonderlandmovies Video Campaign Generator with Themes allows to reuse one video template for different occasions and themes. Dabei wird die Architektur des Basisfilms und Programmierung beibehalten und es werden nur dekorative Elemente und Figuren ausgetauscht. By reusing the video template, savings potentials of up to 50% are achieved compared to a new production.
Aktion Mensch video kit video in 3 themes:

Video Campaign Generator
Successful at the touch of a button - the video campaign generator
The Wonderlandmovies Video Campaign Generator steers your video campaigns automatically into success. Because the Wonderlandmovies Video Campaign Generator plays out the different motifs of your dynamic video campaign fully automatically. At the push of a button, exactly the formats and designs come out that you need to steer a successful, flexible video campaign into the chosen channels. All content, such as images and texts, can be conveniently edited via a spreadsheet.

Trailer Generator
Film off for the Trailer Generator. In the leading role: every receiver.
With Wonderlandmovies Trailer Generator we have created a tool with which you can make yourself the protagonist of any movie. With a simple mechanism and a few clicks, you can generate a movie trailer in which you play the main role. This is an effect that has a wide impact, because the personalized films are shared by users via social media and generate additional reach with a high earned media effect.

Live Video Generator
Personalize live in real time - the video generator for trade fairs and events
With the live video generator, every live marketing gets a new exciting impulse for its guests. In advance, a film framework is first designed and produced, which is then completed live at the trade fair or event. For this purpose, a promoter takes a picture or a video with the guest. This scene is then integrated into the prepared film in a matter of seconds, fully automatically, together with the guest's data. The real-time effect is particularly fascinating: the guest receives his personal video immediately - directly on his smartphone. This amazing surprise leads to most guests sharing this personal video directly via their social media channels, thus creating a social buzz even while the event is still running.

Video greeting generator
Real customer loyalty - with the best greetings from the video greeting generator.
If you want to create real customer loyalty, you should maintain a lasting connection with your customers. And respond personally to every occasion. Whether it's a birthday, Christmas, wedding, Mother's Day, birth or anniversary - with our personalizable video greeting motifs, every (sales) employee can easily and quickly send very personal messages to their customers. Via social media, WhatsApp or by mail, an emotional contact is established that keeps customer loyalty at a high level.

Smartphone Video Creator
Quite smart - the smartphone video creator.
Quick, easy, via smartphone - you can now create your personalized video and send and share the finished video via mail, Whatsapp and social media. Simply record your own short film sequence and load it into the video creator. There, your video will automatically be given your chosen brand design, so that the recipient can be delighted with the professional result immediately afterwards. We would be happy to show you how easy the smartphone video creator works.