DVAG "Lebenswege" campaign - why DVAG is turning Jürgen Klopp into a guru, cab driver and dentist

The spot (Agency: Wirz Group AG) revolves around the question "What would Klopp be doing today if he had NOT become a coach?" The leverage of the new DVAG campaign is that we are all just one decision away from a completely different life. Big city or country, university or training, building a house or renting. These can all be decisions for which we seek advice from people close to us. And that includes a financial advisor.
Testimonial Jürgen Klopp only provided his face for the commercial; at the end of the production, the coach's face was placed on the bodies of actors using AI. In this way, "Kloppo" slips into very different roles using AI.
Each of the 18,000 investment advisors can personalize their own version of the commercial using a video construction kit and use it for their own advertising.