Mercedes-Benz "Let it snow":
Personalized Christmas Video


Mercedes-Benz wishes its customers “Merry Christmas” in a moving and highly personal way with a personalized video.

Demo Video - Personalized for Max

Through programmatic personalization of motion picture, voice, and text, the recipient is fully immersed in the film. This is made possible by the Wonderlandmovies real-time personalization engine:

Baked just-in-time for the holidays: Almost 500,000 highly personal videos for Mercedes customers, friends, and employees are automatically created and reach their recipients within just three days.

The creation comes from SXCES Communication, Kassel, and film production by Unlimited Visions, Hamburg.

Would you like to experience the whole thing live and customized?

With pleasure. We will then prepare something for you. Tailored to your needs.